Xmortis Tees & Merch!
Xmortis - Second Friday of the Month
Middle East Downstairs
Xmortis in the Rue Morgue
Xmortis in the Rue Morgue ~ Friday, April 11th will feature DJ Static (filling in for Chris Ewen while he is on tour) and guest DJ R.I.C.H.A.R.D (Sanctuary CT) spinning music most Gothic and Macabre with Industrial as black as the coal burning in your cold dead hearts.
Xmortis now includes the upstairs corner as a lounge space!
Xmortis is 18+ $15 Doors at 9pm (no presale, $13 before 10pm) Proper ID is REQUIRED for Entry! (A valid, state-issued photo ID/Passport - NO PAPER/TEMP or EXPIRED ID!). No presale - CASH at the Door! NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES!
STRICT DRESS CODE: Goth, Industrial, Dark Cosplay, Gothic Lolita, Victorian Villain, Gothic Horror, Steampunk, Red Death Raven, Lace & Lament, Edwardian Abomination, Creative Attire Encouraged. MINIMUM ALL BLACK!
Mid. East Downstairs, 472 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA
Brookline St. Entrance

Mourning Night's Emo Prom - Saturday, April 26th
Emo, Pop-Punk, Alt. Y2K, Scene
with DJ Howie D Rivet & Dj succubux
High Effort Outfits Encouraged! Dress Emo, Pop-Punk, Scene, Mall-Goth, Monster-High-Core, Y2k, Prompunk!
Mourning Night is 18+ $15 Doors at 9pm ($13 before 10pm) Proper ID (NO PAPER/TEMP/School ID!) is Required for Entry - CASH at the door! No outside beverages or containers.
Sonia -10 Brookline St. CAMBRIDGE, MA

Taking pictures with your friends on your phones is totally OK at Xmortis. Please be respectful of other guests and have fun! If you post them, tagging us with #xmortis means we will see them! We have a staff photographer at our events also, please be courteous to them as they do their jobs photographing the event.
DO NOT BRING PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT TO XMORTIS. You will be asked not to bring camera equipment into Xmortis OR to check it with coat check. Anyone found in violation of this will be asked to leave. Xmortis is a community event, not a tourist attraction.
This is nothing new. We have had this policy for so long that it originally referred to "camera phones" and disposable cameras.

A few words on safety and behavior at Xmortis: From time to time, unpleasant, unwelcome things can happen during your night out. The best and simplest thing we, as a community as a whole can do, is stay vigilant and remember to look out for one another. If you feel that something is wrong, someone is bothering you, you feel strange like you may have been dosed, or even if you've just had too much to drink, find your friends AND/OR a venue staff member or event promoter, whomever you can get to first, and ask for help.
If you see something, say something. If you see something suspicious, tell someone, please try to make sure that information gets to a staff member for the event and/or venue. We don't want to foster paranoia or an atmosphere of tension, but please do report things that you see which do not seem right. We, at Xmortis, strive to provide the safest environment possible to our community and friends. The more we know and the sooner we know it, the better we can respond to a situation.
If you are asked to leave Xmortis by Venue or Event staff, please comply without argument; if you want to share your side of the story, please do so upstairs, away from the situation and somewhere that Staff can actually hear what you have to say.